Snow Removal is a BIG business generating up to $60 Billion annually, and is recession proof. When other trades parked their equipment in the last recession, snow contractors managed to prosper. As they prospered, a lot of money was invested back into their businesses as they realized that improving efficiencies was key to staying current with the competition.
When you are looking to partner with a plow or pusher manufacturer, Arctic is the intelligent choice. Its flagship product, the Sectional Sno-Pusher™, is recognized nationally as the top performer in the industry, with over 10,000 units in active use. Arctic also brings immense credibility to your sales effort because it is the only major snow manufacturer that is also a snow contractor. In fact, with 40 years in the business, Arctic owns the largest fleet in North America and is the nation’s largest self performing snow contractor, thanks in large part to its use of its Sectional Sno-Pushers. What better testimonial can you have regarding this product? Every design feature was a direct result of operator input, and every Arctic Sectional Sno-Pusher™ is so user friendly, fast and efficient that they pay for themselves in their first year of use.
Let us explore a great future together!
Bill Rancic, entrepreneur and winner of the first season of The Apprentice, speaks with Randy Strait about Arctic's commitment to innovation in its products and the success they have had in the industry.